Contact – PC Custom Blocks


The Block allows you to select a “Contact” that’s affiliated with your site. Contacts are added by using the “Contacts” menu item in the WordPress editor left sidebar. This block looks great when added to the bottom of a full-width page.

What does it look like?

Department of Web Design, Architecture, & Services

Web Services
Martin Hall Room 302

When should I use it?

Use the contact block to add contact information on a page/site for your users. It’s recommended to use only generic contact information for your departments, rather than listing members of your department. This is because scammers can “scrape” our pages for contact information, which they can then use to contact members of our community, impersonating supervisors to solicit information or gain access to systems. Additionally the scammers can use this information to create fake emails which they can also use to impersonate members of our community and solicit information from other members.

IF you do need to use this block to list contact information for members of our community, it’s recommended it only be used for individuals whose title is Director or below.

Is there anything else I should know about this block?

  • The “Office Hours” field label can be toggled and that field can be used to insert HTML. Example- rather than listing office hours, you can turn that label off and insert the code for a link to a website or document download, such as a CV.
  • You can also include an image for each contact as well. Image should be web-optimized and 100 pixels wide by 125 pixels high.