Blockumentation & Web Styleguide

WordPress Blocks

As a PC Web Editor working in WordPress, there are several types of blocks you will need to know about:

Web Page Styleguide

Coming 2024 – Information regarding page structure, where to use blocks on a page, templates, and navigation.

Please also take a look at the Brand Site for information regarding the Brand in general.

Confusion over Core vs Legacy vs PC Custom Blocks

There are some Core, Legacy, and PC Custom blocks that have similar names or seem to have similar functionality- such as “Quote” and “Pullquote” vs “Blockquote” or “Separator” vs “Divider”. The reason for this is, while the two blocks may seem similar, the PC Custom blocks most likely are optimized and branded for our websites and may include additional functionality.

When in doubt, you should opt to use the PC Custom block over the Core block or Legacy block. All PC Custom blocks have the text “PC Custom” appended to their name in the block selector. Also, just be aware, that not all of the Core WordPress blocks listed in the WordPress documentation may be available- where we can, we’ve suppressed Core blocks that are redundant or vary too wildly for what we want used on our College sites.

SEO & SMO – Search Engine Optimization
and Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization
Coming soon

Core Blocks

Core blocks are the suite of blocks that are a native part of WordPress. They include most basic and commonly used blocks that you will use when creating and editing content on your web pages, such as “paragraph” and “image”. We may have added some custom branded styles to these blocks, but they are part of WordPress itself, not created by PC Web Services.

Most common Core blocks are straightforward in how they are used, however there are some nuances that Web Editors should be aware of.


Images on our sites should be optimized for the web- meaning they not only look great, but have been reduced in file size, which makes them download quicker, which in turn makes your web page (especially on mobile) load faster. Additionally, all images must have alternative text added to them in order to make them accessible for screen readers. Details on how to properly optimize your images and additional information on the Image block.


Use the Spacer block to insert more breathing room or “white space” between other sections or blocks of content. Judicial use of the Spacer block can make a page feel less cluttered and help your viewers be able to sift and sort through your pages contents more efficiently. Additional information about the Spacer block.


Headings should be used in hierarchical order- an H3 should follow an H2, an H4 should follow the use of an H3 on the page. This is due to the way screen readers utilize headings as navigational waypoints. Details on the proper use of Headings and additional information on the Heading block.


The Columns block is one of the most versatile blocks, allowing you to stack other blocks side-by-side, on top of or beneath each other. Using this block you can come up with some very interesting and engaging content layouts on a page. For example, you could stack a series of button blocks in one column, with a paragraph block in the middle column, with an image block in the third column. And easy way to breathe life into an otherwise lifeless page. Additional information about the Columns block.

PC Custom Blocks

This suite of blocks was created by, and is supported by, Web Services. These blocks are listed at the top of the block selector and are labeled “name – PC Custom”. We’ve created a page for each of these blocks with details on how they appear and should be used on our sites:

PC Vendor Blocks

PC Vendor Blocks are a select handful of third-party vendor-created blocks that we use in our sites to support advanced functionality that is unsupported by Core WordPress and would take too long for the Web Team to develop otherwise.

PC Legacy Blocks

PC Legacy Blocks are older versions of custom blocks that are in the pipeline to be retired. These legacy blocks may still be in use on your website. You should stop using them on new pages and replace them with their new PC Custom block equivalents (if available) on existing pages, because they will eventually be removed from the Block Selector, and then support will be fully removed for all of them. In most cases there is a newer, better, equivalent in the PC Custom Blocks.

  • Accordion *
  • Bar Comparison Chart
  • BF Slider * (Slider)
  • Button / Callout *
  • Blockquote *
  • Content Wrapper *
  • Doughnut Chart
  • Featured Image Rollover*
  • Flexbox
  • Galleries * (Envira Gallery)
  • Gold Spacer * (Divider)
  • Gradient Background
  • Grid of Links *
  • Icons
  • Landing Page Message
  • Legend
  • Image Background (By the Numbers) *
  • Masthead *
  • Menu **
  • Picture Link *
  • Pie Chart *
  • Posts *
  • Presentation *
  • Recurring Meeting
  • Search Meta Block
  • Slider *
  • Social Media Feeds
  • Tabs *
  • Video Background
  • Vignette Slider *
  • YouTube Playlist *

* This block has a replacement in the PC Custom Blocks suite.
** Replacement for this block forthcoming

How do I use custom blocks?

Most of the PC Custom Blocks have similar editing interfaces. They use each block menu’s “editing toggle”, where after you create the block, you use fields and boxes to add content to the block, ensuring that the layout and design are consistent across the PC website.

Preview/Edit Mode

Screenshot of block menu icons, with the pencil icon highlighted.

If you see the pencil, you’re in “Preview” mode. If you want to make changes to the. block, select the pencil icon, which will put you into “Edit” mode.

Screenshot of block menu icons with the preview icon highlighted.

If you see the eye icon, you’re in “Edit” mode, and you can select the eye icon to enter “Preview” mode.

Editing in the sidebar

Screenshot of page menu controls, with a circle around the sidebar icon.

Most of a block’s contents can be edited in the main window. If you can’t see the editing fields, or prefer to use a more field-based approach, you can edit those same fields in the right sidebar. One of the benefits of editing content in the sidebar is that you can see your edits in preview mode in the main editor window, as you change the content in the sidebar.