Color Box- PC Custom Block

Color Box- PC Custom Block


This block automatically fills out the entire width of it’s container. This means you can have it be an attention grabbing callout at the top of a page, or a subtle background to an entire section on a full width page.

What Does It Look Like?

There are a total of 12 branded color options:

Providence Black

Providence Gold

Harkins Yellow

Silver Metallic

Light Metallic


Sky Blue


When Should I Use It?

Use the color box in conjunction with images, paragraphs and headings to separate content on a page, or to highlight especially important content. Color boxes should be used sparingly.

Is there anything else I should know about this block?

The color box block also supports the same colors for text that you add within it. So you can pair black/white/other colors as appropriate. Just make sure that the text is readable when paired with whichever background color you choose.