Dashboard side Navigation

Sidebar navigation in WordPress

The side navigation within the dashboard interface of WordPress contains a multitude of links that you will use to manage your web pages and their content. The ones listed below are the most important and often contain sub-links when you mouse over each item.

  • Dashboard – links back to the WordPress dashboard
  • Posts – shows you options to see all blog posts and to create new ones
  • Contacts – options for seeing all contacts on your site and to create new ones
  • Media – your sites media library- where you store images and adobe .pdf files
  • Pages – this is where your web pages reside and another way to add new ones
  • Comments – while by default comments/discussions are shut off across our sites, you do have the ability to turn activate them on a page-by-page basis. This is where you would be able to moderate/approve/disapprove them before they go live on the site.
  • Galleries – you can easily create simple image galleries
  • Faculty Members – you can manage/add/remove faculty members from the faculty section of academic sites
  • TablePress – insert, modify and edit tables and import excel documents to convert to web-based tables
  • Appearance – this is where controls for the menus for your site reside
  • Collapse menu – this button collapses the side menu down to just icons or un-collapses it as needed

The other options listed to the left either won’t be available to you or are not needed for web editing.

Next – Step 5 of 12 – WordPress Pages & All Pages Menu